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Poster Symposium Cohort 2

2022 AGE-ADAR Scholars Program Cohort 2 Poster Symposium

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Cohort 2

Ayah Aldebyan

Age is a Stronger Risk Factor Than BMI for Heart Disease

Aimee Ballard

West Virginians report more tooth removals than Pennsylvanians - across all ages

Ethan Boddy

Physical Activity associated with better Cognitive Ability.

Janella Camp

Divorced/separated/widowed are at a greater risk for functional disability

Morgan Cole

West Virginians with cancer report high depression, but less so among older adults.

Abigail Ebert

Asthma is associated with more poor mental health days, but less so for older adults

Nathaniel Palmer

Insurance associated with the number of physically healthy days for middle aged adults in West Virginia

Michaela Tapia

Racial minorities and rural adults have lower pneumococcal vaccine uptakes

Grace Udah

Income is associated with depression among older adults in West Virginia

Maya Wetherbee

Tobacco use associated with high risk of permanent tooth loss